We are math and computer engineering nerds at heart that value accuracy, hard work and results. Other firms will get the numbers close. We’ll get them right. We have integrated data into all our decision making processes.
When it comes to your Adwords account, we don’t guess. “Close" is not acceptable in our world. Your campaign needs to be perfect.
Our Framework
The D42 client framework is a growth plan that allows us to systemize the onboarding and growth of our clients.
Understand your business. Identify key metrics to measure success
Stage #2
Adwords Analysis and Optimization
Advances Bidding Strategies, A/B Testing Experimentation
Continual Improvement
Why Use a Framework ?
Why Use a Framework ?
It creates efficiency, and brings structure to our creative process.
Our framework establishes guard-rails that keep the team on track and deliver early warnings when things are not going well.

It amplifies creativity because it liberates the team to take risks, knowing it has a safety net.

It establishes a standard operating procedure and common language across teams that enables cross-team sharing, peer input and fosters institutional learning.

We Offer a Comprehensive Adwords Management Solutions
We will help you design and implement a comprehensive Adwords advertising strategy. Here’s what we will do every month:
- Data driving PPC campaign setup and management using advanced machine learning system
- A/B testing of landing pages and ad copy
- AI driven advanced bidding strategies
- AI and human analysis use data from the last 30 days to find new opportunity.
- Monthly reporting

Basic Services
( Included in all Google Ads Management plans)
Adwords Assessment
- Conversion Tracking Setup
- 43 Point Adwords Analysis
Keyword Bid Management
- Update every keyword bid
- Machine Learning keyword bid optimization
- Break all keywords with over 50 visits into multiple match types
- Create a unique bid for each match type
- Updated every week for the first two months. Bi-weekly updates thereafter.
Website Optimization (On-page SEO)
- Keyword density and internal linking pattern analysis
- Meta Description tag optimization
- Page Title optimization
- Detailed On-Page SEO Recommendations report
- Customized blog setup designed to match the CLIENT website(s) utilizing the software WordPress
Demographic Bid Adjustments
- Age bid adjustment optimization
- Gender bid adjustment optimization
- Household income bid adjustment optimization
- Updated every week for the first two months. Bi-weekly updates thereafter.
Device Bid Adjustments (Phones, Tablets and Computers)
- Adjustments for all device types
- Optimized to maximize conversions
- Updated every week for the first two months. Bi-weekly updates thereafter.
Performance Reporting
- Monthly Google Ads report
- The report includes spend, cost per conversions, total conversions, demographic data, and results of our manual review.
Additional Services
( Limited amount included in each plan )
- Add new keywords to campaign
- Find negative keywords
- Google products bid optimization for return on Ad spend
- Adwords goal setting and business analysis
- Creation of new Google Ads variants
- Google Ads Remarketing creation and optimization